Medicosocial intervention for victims of sexual assault (between 6 days and 6 months)
La Clinique des femmes is now the designated center in the Outaouais region for medico-social intervention for victims of sexual assault that occurred more than 6 days and less than 6 months ago. We offer various medical and psychosocial services for victims. With your consent, we can also prepare a medico-social kit to document some evidence of the sexual assault in the event that you wish to file a complaint with the police.
If you are a woman, a trans man or a non-binary person assigned female at birth, over the age of 14, who has been sexually assaulted more than 6 days and less than 6 months ago, you can have access to our services. To do so, we invite you to contact Info-social at 811 so that the protocol can be initiated. Info-social will take care of making the referral to our services and we will then contact you within two working days to give you an appointment with our psychosocial counsellor and our medical team.
Please note that if you sought the emergency medico-social intervention in a hospital setting for victims of sexual assault of less than 5 days, La Clinique des femmes does not ensure the follow-up. If you wish to have a follow-up on your results or if you need more services, it will be important to contact info-social at 811.